Online Daters’ First-Date Expectations Are Surprisingly Traditional, Poll Shows

Online Daters

Online Daters has changed the game of finding love. With the rise of dating apps and websites, people have more access than ever to potential partners. However, despite the modern ways of meeting someone, a recent poll has shown that online daters still hold traditional expectations when it comes to their first date. Let’s explore the results of the survey and what it means for modern dating.


  1. The Poll Results: What Did Online Daters Say?
  2. Surprisingly Traditional Expectations for First Dates
  3. The Importance of Communication
  4. Is It Okay to Go Dutch?
  5. First Impressions Matter
  6. The Role of Gender in First-Date Expectations
  7. How to Navigate First-Date Expectations

Sub Headings:

1.1 Online Daters’ First-Date Expectations Are Surprisingly Traditional, Poll Shows 1.2 What the Survey Reveals 1.3 The Most Common Expectations for First Dates

2.1 Traditional Expectations for Men 2.2 Traditional Expectations for Women 2.3 The Desire for a Romantic Connection

3.1 Setting Expectations Early On 3.2 Discussing Boundaries and Goals 3.3 Understanding Each Other’s Communication Styles

4.1 Splitting the Bill: What the Poll Shows 4.2 The Pros and Cons of Going Dutch 4.3 Tips for Handling the Bill

5.1 Dress to Impress 5.2 Punctuality Matters 5.3 Being Present and Engaged

6.1 The Role of Gender Expectations 6.2 Breaking Down Gender Stereotypes 6.3 Understanding Different Perspectives

7.1 Honesty is Key 7.2 Be Open-Minded 7.3 Have Fun and Be Yourself

Online Daters

Bullet Points:

  • The majority of online daters expect their first date to be a traditional experience.
  • Men are expected to take charge and plan the date.
  • Women are expected to be attentive and engaged in the conversation.
  • Communication is essential for setting expectations and understanding each other’s needs.
  • Going Dutch is becoming more acceptable, but some people still prefer traditional gender roles.
  • Dressing well and being punctual are important for making a good first impression.
  • Honesty and open-mindedness are key to navigating first-date expectations.


Q: What did the poll reveal about first-date expectations? A: The poll showed that the majority of online daters still hold traditional expectations for their first date. Men are expected to take charge and plan the date, while women are expected to be attentive and engaged in the conversation.

Q: Is it okay to go Dutch on a first date? A: While going Dutch is becoming more acceptable, some people still prefer traditional gender roles when it comes to paying for the date. It’s important to discuss this ahead of time and come to an agreement that works for both parties.

Q: How important are first impressions on a first date? A: First impressions are crucial on a first date. Dressing well and being punctual show that you value the other person’s time and effort. Being present and engaged in the conversation also make a good impression.


The results of the poll show that despite the modern ways of meeting someone, online daters still hold traditional expectations for their first date. However, it’s important to remember that everyone is different, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to dating. Communication is essential for setting expectations and understanding