DATE – Are you wondering if your relationship is heading for a breakdown? Here are 11 signs you have nothing in common with your date. For example, you may be dating someone who can’t tell jokes or loves to go to places with a lot of people. If you and your date have completely different personality types, you could find yourself at odds over everything. Here are a few signs to look out for:

10 signs that a relationship is deteriorating

Despite the fact that every relationship goes through its ups and downs, it is crucial to recognize the definite signs of a failing one. In many cases, people don’t want to admit it, but there are many signs that a relationship is on the way out. For example, one partner may start fantasizing about other people, or their partner’s busy schedule may cause them to be withdrawn. The first clue is often the most obvious, such as more group dates or a refusal by one partner to go to couples therapy.

  • A lack of respect. Couples sometimes fight or say hurtful things, but it’s a red flag that a relationship is heading toward a breakup. If your partner regularly uses threats to get your attention, it may be time to reconsider your relationship. It doesn’t solve any problems and it’s often a sign that your partner is a toxic person. Moreover, threats only work if you actually intend to leave, and not if you’re simply trying to force your partner into submission.
  • Lack of passion. If your partner isn’t as passionate as you once were, a relationship might be heading for trouble. While your partner still shows signs of affection, you feel no passion anymore. You might start cheating in order to make up for the emotional gap between you. As a result, your partner may even start ignoring you. You’re probably already aware that the relationship isn’t working out, but if you still love each other, there are a few other ways to tell that your love life is on the way out.
  • Often, intractable behavior is a sign of a toxic relationship. If your partner is constantly annoyed or irritated, it’s time to get some help. If you’re not sure how to fix the problems in your relationship, you can try seeking professional help from a licensed therapist. BetterHelp offers unlimited counseling with thousands of licensed therapists. So, if you notice your partner exhibiting these behaviors, it’s time to take action.

Signs that a man wants to date you exclusively

One of the biggest signs that a man wants to date you exclusively is a desire to be around you all the time. This is one of the most attractive qualities a man can display. When you’re involved with a man who is serious about you, he will always be there for you whenever you need him. You’ll never need to worry about him being away or avoiding your calls and texts.

Men are highly curious about the opinion and impressions of the women they meet. They take care to make good impressions. Moreover, they will ask you about your future plans. When a man wants to date you exclusively, he will want to know about your plans for the future. You can tell that he’s interested in you when he asks about them and their plans. He will want to know your goals and dreams.



If you want a man to date you exclusively, he’ll invest more effort in the relationship. You’ll notice a gradual increase in his availability. He’ll be looking for opportunities to involve himself in your life and you’ll spend longer periods with him. You’ll notice that he quickly transitions from dating to courtship. You can read his body language to understand what he’s trying to say.

If you’re in a relationship, it’s important to know what your partner is trying to achieve with you. You may want to know what he wants from your relationship and what you need to do in return. Hopefully, these tips will help you determine whether or not your relationship is ready for exclusive dating. And, as always, never stop asking questions. And remember, the more you ask the more you’ll learn.

Signs that he’s narcissistic

The first 11 signs you have nothing in common with your date come in the form of their selfishness and lack of common interests. While they may be a hot first-class jerk, they may also be a smoldering bad boy with a self-centered fantasyland. A smirk is one of the most telling physical signs of a narcissist.

Signs that he wants to show you off

You might notice that your date has a lot of friends and he’s always bringing up the topic of his dating goals. This is a red flag. If you are dating exclusively, he would want to introduce you to his friends and his roommates. He might also like to invite you to events. These are all signs that he wants to show you off with your date.